Our Hex to Base32 & Base32 to Hex Converter is a straightforward and efficient tool designed for the conversion of data between hexadecimal (hex) and Base32 encoding schemes. It enables users to easily translate binary information from its hex representation to Base32 and vice versa, facilitating compatibility and data interchange in a user-friendly manner.
Hex-Base32 Converter
What is Hex to Base32 & Base32 to Hex Converter?
A Hex to Base32 and Base32 to Hex converter is a tool or program that allows you to convert data between hexadecimal (hex) and Base32 encoding schemes. These encoding schemes are used to represent binary data (bits and bytes) in a human-readable and compact format.
A Hex to Base32 converter would take a hexadecimal input and convert it into the corresponding Base32 representation, while a Base32 to Hex converter would do the reverse, taking Base32-encoded data and converting it into its hexadecimal representation.
What is Base32?
Base32 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in a human-readable format using a set of 32 different characters. It was designed to be more efficient than older encoding methods like Base64, which uses a 64-character set, while still providing data integrity and case-insensitivity.

Below is a breakdown of Base32:
- Uses a set of 32 characters (usually A-Z and 2-7).
- Represents binary data in a compact, human-readable format.
- Is used for URLs, filesystems, and data integrity checks.
- Bridges the gap between binary and text.
What is Hex?
Hex, short for “hexadecimal,” is a base-16 numeral system used to represent numbers. It is a positional numeral system, meaning that the value of each digit in a number depends on its position within the number. The hexadecimal system uses 16 distinct symbols to represent values, making it a convenient way to express binary values in a more human-readable and concise format.
In the hexadecimal system, the symbols used are the numbers 0-9 and the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F (or their lowercase equivalents, a, b, c, d, e, and f). Each symbol represents a value from 0 to 15. Here is the correspondence between hexadecimal symbols and decimal values:
- 0 = 0
- 1 = 1
- 2 = 2
- 3 = 3
- 4 = 4
- 5 = 5
- 6 = 6
- 7 = 7
- 8 = 8
- 9 = 9
- A = 10
- B = 11
- C = 12
- D = 13
- E = 14
- F = 15
How do I use the Hex-Base32 Translator?
Using our converter is extremely quick and easy.
- Just enter your data to be converted in the input field.
- Press the “Hex to Base32” or “Base32 to Hex” button, depending on what you want to convert from.
- You can see the result in the output field, which you can copy using the button below.
Is my data safe with this tool?
Yes, all conversions are done on your device (client-side) and no data is sent to our servers.
Can I use this tool on any device?
Yes, our product is responsive and can be used on a range of platforms such as desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Base32 Character Set
Base32 encoding uses a 32-character set to represent binary data. The character set typically includes the following 32 characters:
Binary | Decimal | Base32 |
00000 | 0 | A |
00001 | 1 | B |
00010 | 2 | C |
00011 | 3 | D |
00100 | 4 | E |
00101 | 5 | F |
00110 | 6 | G |
00111 | 7 | H |
01000 | 8 | I |
01001 | 9 | J |
01010 | 10 | K |
01011 | 11 | L |
01100 | 12 | M |
01101 | 13 | N |
01110 | 14 | O |
01111 | 15 | P |
10000 | 16 | Q |
10001 | 17 | R |
10010 | 18 | S |
10011 | 19 | T |
10100 | 20 | U |
10101 | 21 | V |
10110 | 22 | W |
10111 | 23 | X |
11000 | 24 | Y |
11001 | 25 | Z |
11010 | 26 | 2 |
11011 | 27 | 3 |
11100 | 28 | 4 |
11101 | 29 | 5 |
11110 | 30 | 6 |
11111 | 31 | 7 |